Wednesday, 24 May 2023

My Poetry: New York Directions

Illustration: Victor Kerlow

New York Directions  (1996)

Follow the twin shadow to its extremity. Slap

your feet over the sidewalk - hard. Dodge

yellow cabs, electric people, the tramp brushing the street

with the end of his scarf. Politely, steer through smiling sightseers

and buy a can and a dog - hot, from a stand with the man with an accent

from all the American movies you've ever seen. Make

like a bee for the green line of railing and hedge. Step

through the open gate. Step into the dormant chamber

buried in the chest of this city. Sit on a slatted seat in the shade

of unfamiliar trees, feel the tremble of traffic against your back.

Acknowledge the hum, the drum of the streets, beneath

the cocksure call of a Downtown pigeon.

Smile at: Sitting on the Gravestones is not permitted.

Trace mossed etching with your finger

                        Ce Tombeau  

        Qu'a fait eriger Mmm. Catherine Gentil

                         A In Memoire

Toss crumbs for the sparrows building nests

in the cracks of the tombs. Sigh. Step back

through the gate.

                       Then, my friend

it is up to you.